Source code for FITS_tools.downsample

import numpy as np

    def downsample_axis(myarr, factor, axis, estimator=np.nanmean, truncate=False):
        Downsample an ND array by averaging over *factor* pixels along an axis.
        Crops right side if the shape is not a multiple of factor.

        This code is pure np and should be fast.

        myarr : `~numpy.ndarray`
            The array to downsample
        factor : int
            The factor to downsample by
        axis : int
            The axis to downsample along
        estimator : function
            defaults to mean.  You can downsample by summing or
            something else if you want a different estimator
            (e.g., downsampling error: you want to sum & divide by sqrt(n))
        truncate : bool
            Whether to truncate the last chunk or average over a smaller number.
            e.g., if you downsample [1,2,3,4] by a factor of 3, you could get either
            [2] or [2,4] if truncate is True or False, respectively.
        # size of the dimension of interest
        xs = myarr.shape[axis]
        if xs % int(factor) != 0:
            if truncate:
                view = [slice(None) for ii in range(myarr.ndim)]
                view[axis] = slice(None,xs-(xs % int(factor)))
                crarr = myarr[view]
                newshape = list(myarr.shape)
                newshape[axis] = (factor - xs % int(factor))
                extension = np.empty(newshape) * np.nan
                crarr = np.concatenate((myarr,extension), axis=axis)
            crarr = myarr

        def makeslice(startpoint,axis=axis,step=factor):
            # make empty slices
            view = [slice(None) for ii in range(myarr.ndim)]
            # then fill the appropriate slice
            view[axis] = slice(startpoint,None,step)
            return view

        # The extra braces here are crucial: We're adding an extra dimension so we
        # can average across it!
        stacked_array = np.concatenate([[crarr[makeslice(ii)]] for ii in range(factor)])

        dsarr = estimator(stacked_array, axis=0)
        return dsarr
except AttributeError:
    import warnings
    warnings.warn("Numpy doesn't have a nanmean attribute; a more recent version of numpy is required.")

[docs] def downsample_axis(*args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("This version of numpy doesn't possess a nanmean.")
[docs]def downsample_header(header, factor, axis): """ Downsample a FITS header along an axis using the FITS convention for axis number """ header = header.copy() cd = 'CDELT{0:d}'.format(axis) cp = 'CRPIX{0:d}'.format(axis) scalefactor = 1./factor header[cp] = (header[cp]-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5 header[cd] = header[cd]*factor return header