Source code for FITS_tools.fits_overlap

import numpy as np
    import as pyfits
    import astropy.wcs as pywcs
except ImportError:
    import pyfits
    import pywcs

[docs]def fits_overlap(file1,file2,**kwargs): """ Create a header containing the exact overlap region between two .fits files Does NOT check to make sure the FITS files are in the same coordinate system! Parameters ---------- file1,file2 : str,str files from which to extract header strings """ hdr1 = pyfits.getheader(file1) hdr2 = pyfits.getheader(file2) return header_overlap(hdr1,hdr2,**kwargs)
[docs]def header_overlap(hdr1,hdr2,max_separation=180,overlap="union"): """ Create a header containing the exact overlap region between two .fits files Does NOT check to make sure the FITS files are in the same coordinate system! Parameters ---------- hdr1,hdr2 : `` Two pyfits headers to compare max_separation : int Maximum number of degrees between two headers to consider before flipping signs on one of them (this to deal with the longitude=0 region) overlap : 'union' or 'intersection' Which merger to do """ wcs1 = pywcs.WCS(hdr1).sub([pywcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) wcs2 = pywcs.WCS(hdr2).sub([pywcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) ((xmax1,ymax1),) = wcs1.wcs_pix2world([[hdr1['NAXIS1'],hdr1['NAXIS2']]],1) ((xmax2,ymax2),) = wcs2.wcs_pix2world([[hdr2['NAXIS1'],hdr2['NAXIS2']]],1) ((xmin1,ymin1),) = wcs1.wcs_pix2world([[1,1]],1) ((xmin2,ymin2),) = wcs2.wcs_pix2world([[1,1]],1) # make sure the edges are all in the same quadrant-ish xmlist = [xm - 360 if xm > max_separation else xm + 360 if xm < -max_separation else xm for xm in (xmin1,xmax1,xmin2,xmax2)] xmin1,xmax1,xmin2,xmax2 = xmlist # check signs if xmin2 > xmax2: xmax2,xmin2 = xmin2,xmax2 if xmin1 > xmax1: xmax1,xmin1 = xmin1,xmax1 if ymin2 > ymax2: ymax2,ymin2 = ymin2,ymax2 if ymin1 > ymax1: ymax1,ymin1 = ymin1,ymax1 if overlap=='union': xmin = min(xmin1,xmin2) xmax = max(xmax1,xmax2) ymin = min(ymin1,ymin2) ymax = max(ymax1,ymax2) elif overlap=='intersection': xmin = max(xmin1,xmin2) xmax = min(xmax1,xmax2) ymin = max(ymin1,ymin2) ymax = min(ymax1,ymax2) else: raise ValueError("Overlap must be 'union' or 'intersection'") try: cdelt1,cdelt2 = np.abs(np.vstack([,])).min(axis=0) * np.sign( except AttributeError: cdelt1,cdelt2 = np.abs(np.vstack([wcs1.wcs.cdelt, wcs2.wcs.cdelt])).min(axis=0) * np.sign(wcs1.wcs.cdelt) # no overlap at all if ((xmin1 > xmax2) or (xmin2 > xmax1)): naxis1 = 0 else: naxis1 = int(np.ceil(np.abs((xmax-xmin)/cdelt1))) if ymin1 > ymax2 or ymin2 > ymax1: naxis2 = 0 else: naxis2 = int(np.ceil(np.abs((ymax-ymin)/cdelt2))) crval1 = (xmin+xmax)/2. crval2 = (ymin+ymax)/2. crpix1 = naxis1/2. crpix2 = naxis2/2. # may want to change this later... new_header = hdr1.copy() new_header['CRVAL1'] = crval1 new_header['CRVAL2'] = crval2 new_header['CDELT1'] = cdelt1 new_header['CDELT2'] = cdelt2 for i,j in [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]: k = 'CD%i_%i' % (i,j) if k in new_header: del new_header[k] new_header['NAXIS1'] = naxis1 new_header['NAXIS2'] = naxis2 new_header['CRPIX1'] = crpix1 new_header['CRPIX2'] = crpix2 return new_header