Source code for FITS_tools.hcongrid

import numpy as np
import as pyfits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u
import scipy.ndimage

__doctest_skip__ = ['*']

[docs]def hcongrid(image, header1, header2, preserve_bad_pixels=True, **kwargs): """ Interpolate an image from one FITS header onto another kwargs will be passed to `~scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates` Parameters ---------- image : `~numpy.ndarray` A two-dimensional image header1 : `` or `~astropy.wcs.WCS` The header or WCS corresponding to the image header2 : `` or `~astropy.wcs.WCS` The header or WCS to interpolate onto preserve_bad_pixels : bool Try to set NAN pixels to NAN in the zoomed image. Otherwise, bad pixels will be set to zero Returns ------- newimage : `~numpy.ndarray` ndarray with shape defined by header2's naxis1/naxis2 Raises ------ TypeError if either is not a Header or WCS instance Exception if image1's shape doesn't match header1's naxis1/naxis2 Examples -------- >>> fits1 ='test.fits') >>> target_header = pyfits.getheader('test2.fits') >>> new_image = hcongrid(fits1[0].data, fits1[0].header, target_header) """ _check_header_matches_image(image, header1) grid1 = get_pixel_mapping(header1, header2) bad_pixels = np.isnan(image) + np.isinf(image) image[bad_pixels] = 0 newimage = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(image, grid1, **kwargs) if preserve_bad_pixels: newbad = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(bad_pixels, grid1, order=0, mode='constant', cval=np.nan) newimage[newbad] = np.nan return newimage
def _load_wcs_from_header(header): if issubclass(pywcs.WCS, header.__class__): wcs = header else: try: wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) except: raise TypeError("header must either be a " " or pywcs.WCS instance") if not hasattr(wcs, 'naxis1'): wcs.naxis1 = header['NAXIS1'] if not hasattr(wcs, 'naxis2'): wcs.naxis2 = header['NAXIS2'] return wcs def _check_header_matches_image(image, header): wcs = _load_wcs_from_header(header) # wcs.naxis attributes are deprecated, we perform this check conditionally if ((hasattr(wcs, 'naxis1') and hasattr(wcs, 'naxis2')) and not (wcs.naxis1 == image.shape[1] and wcs.naxis2 == image.shape[0])): raise Exception("Image shape must match header shape.")
[docs]def get_pixel_mapping(header1, header2): """ Determine the mapping from pixel coordinates in header1 to pixel coordinates in header2 Parameters ---------- header1 : `` or `~astropy.wcs.WCS` The header or WCS corresponding to the image to be transformed header2 : `` or `~astropy.wcs.WCS` The header or WCS to interpolate onto Returns ------- grid : `~numpy.ndarray` ndarray describing a grid of y,x pixel locations in the input header's pixel units but the output header's world units Raises ------ TypeError : If either header is not a Header or WCS instance NotImplementedError if the CTYPE in the header is not recognized """ wcs1 = _load_wcs_from_header(header1) wcs2 = _load_wcs_from_header(header2) if not all([w1 == w2 for w1, w2 in zip(wcs1.wcs.ctype, wcs2.wcs.ctype)]): allowed_coords = ('GLON', 'GLAT', 'RA', 'DEC') if all([(any(word in w1 for word in allowed_coords) and any(word in w2 for word in allowed_coords)) for w1, w2 in zip(wcs1.wcs.ctype, wcs2.wcs.ctype)]): csys1 = _ctype_to_csys(wcs1.wcs) csys2 = _ctype_to_csys(wcs2.wcs) convert_coordinates = True else: # do unit conversions raise NotImplementedError("Unit conversions between {0} and {1} " "have not yet been implemented." .format(wcs1.wcs.ctype, wcs2.wcs.ctype)) else: convert_coordinates = False # sigh... why does numpy use matrix convention? Makes everything so # much harder... # WCS has naxis attributes because it is loaded with # _load_wcs_from_header outshape = [wcs2.naxis2, wcs2.naxis1] yy2, xx2 = np.indices(outshape) # get the world coordinates of the output image lon2, lat2 = wcs2.wcs_pix2world(xx2, yy2, 0) if convert_coordinates: # transform the world coordinates from the output image into the # coordinate system of the input image C2 = coordinates.SkyCoord(lon2, lat2, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame=csys2) C1 = C2.transform_to(csys1) lon2, lat2 = C1.spherical.lon.deg, xx1, yy1 = wcs1.wcs_world2pix(lon2, lat2, 0) grid = np.array([yy1.reshape(outshape), xx1.reshape(outshape)]) return grid
def _ctype_to_csys(wcs): ctype = wcs.ctype[0] if 'RA' in ctype or 'DEC' in ctype: if wcs.equinox == 2000: return 'fk5' elif wcs.equinox == 1950: return 'fk4' else: raise NotImplementedError("Non-fk4/fk5 equinoxes are not allowed") elif 'GLON' in ctype or 'GLAT' in ctype: return 'galactic'
[docs]def hcongrid_hdu(hdu_in, header, **kwargs): """ Wrapper of hcongrid to work on HDUs See `hcongrid` for details """ reproj_image = hcongrid(, hdu_in.header, header, **kwargs) return pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=reproj_image, header=header)
[docs]def zoom_fits(fitsfile, scalefactor, preserve_bad_pixels=True, **kwargs): """ Zoom in on a FITS image by interpolating using `~scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom` Parameters ---------- fitsfile : str FITS file name scalefactor : float Zoom factor along all axes preserve_bad_pixels : bool Try to set NAN pixels to NAN in the zoomed image. Otherwise, bad pixels will be set to zero """ arr = pyfits.getdata(fitsfile) h = pyfits.getheader(fitsfile) h['CRPIX1'] = (h['CRPIX1']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5 h['CRPIX2'] = (h['CRPIX2']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5 if 'CD1_1' in h: for ii in (1, 2): for jj in (1, 2): k = "CD%i_%i" % (ii, jj) if k in h: # allow for CD1_1 but not CD1_2 h[k] = h[k]/scalefactor elif 'CDELT1' in h: h['CDELT1'] = h['CDELT1']/scalefactor h['CDELT2'] = h['CDELT2']/scalefactor bad_pixels = np.isnan(arr) + np.isinf(arr) arr[bad_pixels] = 0 upscaled = scipy.ndimage.zoom(arr, scalefactor, **kwargs) if preserve_bad_pixels: bp_up = scipy.ndimage.zoom(bad_pixels, scalefactor, mode='constant', cval=np.nan, order=0) upscaled[bp_up] = np.nan up_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=upscaled, header=h) return up_hdu
# hastrom and hcongrid are basically the same...? # # hastrom = hcongrid hastrom_hdu = hcongrid_hdu
[docs]def wcsalign(hdu_in, header, outname=None, clobber=False): """ Align one FITS image to a specified header Requires pyast. Parameters ---------- hdu_in : `` The HDU to reproject (must have header & data) header : `` The target header to project to outname : str (optional) The filename to write to. clobber : bool Overwrite the file ``outname`` if it exists Returns ------- The reprojected fits.PrimaryHDU Credits ------- Written by David Berry and adapted to functional form by Adam Ginsburg ( """ try: import starlink.Ast as Ast import starlink.Atl as Atl except ImportError: raise ImportError("starlink could not be imported, wcsalign is not " "available") # Create objects that will transfer FITS header cards between an AST # FitsChan and the fits header describing the primary HDU of the # supplied FITS file. adapter_in = Atl.PyFITSAdapter(hdu_in) hdu_ref = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=header) adapter_ref = Atl.PyFITSAdapter(hdu_ref) # Create a FitsChan for each and use the above adapters to copy all the # header cards into it. fitschan_in = Ast.FitsChan(adapter_in, adapter_in) fitschan_ref = Ast.FitsChan(adapter_ref, adapter_ref) # Get the flavour of FITS-WCS used by the header cards currently in the # input FITS file. This is so that we can use the same flavour when we # write out the modified WCS. encoding = fitschan_in.Encoding # Read WCS information from the two FitsChans. Additionally, this removes # all WCS information from each FitsChan. The returned wcsinfo object # is an AST FrameSet, in which the current Frame describes WCS coordinates # and the base Frame describes pixel coodineates. The FrameSet includes a # Mapping that specifies the transformation between the two Frames. wcsinfo_in = wcsinfo_ref = # Check that the input FITS header contained WCS in a form that can be # understood by AST. if wcsinfo_in is None: raise ValueError("Failed to read WCS information from {0}" .format(hdu_in)) # This is restricted to 2D arrays, so check theinput FITS file has 2 # pixel axes (given by Nin) and 2 WCS axes (given by Nout). elif wcsinfo_in.Nin != 2 or wcsinfo_in.Nout != 2: raise ValueError("{0} is not 2-dimensional".format(hdu_in)) # Check the reference FITS file in the same way. elif wcsinfo_ref is None: raise ValueError("Failed to read WCS information from {0}" .format(hdu_ref)) elif wcsinfo_ref.Nin != 2 or wcsinfo_ref.Nout != 2: raise ValueError("{0} is not 2-dimensional".format(hdu_ref)) # Proceed if the WCS information was read OK. # Attempt to get a mapping from pixel coords in the input FITS file to # pixel coords in the reference fits file, with alignment occuring by # preference in the current WCS frame. Since the pixel coordinate frame # will be the base frame in each Frameset, we first invert the # FrameSets. This is because the Convert method aligns current Frames, # not base frames. wcsinfo_in.invert() wcsinfo_ref.invert() alignment_fs = wcsinfo_in.convert(wcsinfo_ref) # Invert them again to put them back to their original state (i.e. # base frame = pixel coords, and current Frame = WCS coords). wcsinfo_in.invert() wcsinfo_ref.invert() # Check alignment was possible. if alignment_fs is None: raise Exception("Cannot find a common coordinate system shared by " "{0} and {1}".format(hdu_in, hdu_ref)) else: # Get the lower and upper bounds of the input image in pixel # indices. All FITS arrays by definition have lower pixel bounds of # [1, 1] (unlike NDFs). Note, unlike fits AST uses FITS ordering for # storing pixel axis values in an array (i.e. NAXIS1 first, NAXIS2 # second, etc). lbnd_in = [1, 1] ubnd_in = [fitschan_in["NAXIS1"], fitschan_in["NAXIS2"]] # Find the pixel bounds of the input image within the pixel coordinate # system of the reference fits file. (lb1, ub1, xl, xu) = alignment_fs.mapbox(lbnd_in, ubnd_in, 1) (lb2, ub2, xl, xu) = alignment_fs.mapbox(lbnd_in, ubnd_in, 2) # Calculate the bounds of the output image. lbnd_out = [int(lb1), int(lb2)] ubnd_out = [int(ub1), int(ub2)] # Unlike NDFs, FITS images cannot have an arbitrary pixel origin so # we need to ensure that the bottom left corner of the input image # gets mapped to pixel [1,1] in the output. To do this we, extract the # mapping from the alignment FrameSet and add on a ShiftMap (a mapping # that just applies a shift to each axis). shift = [1 - lbnd_out[0], 1 - lbnd_out[1]] alignment_mapping = alignment_fs.getmapping() shiftmap = Ast.ShiftMap(shift) total_map = Ast.CmpMap(alignment_mapping, shiftmap) # Modify the pixel bounds of the output image to take account of this # shift of origin. lbnd_out[0] += shift[0] lbnd_out[1] += shift[1] ubnd_out[0] += shift[0] ubnd_out[1] += shift[1] # Get the value used to represent missing pixel values if "BLANK" in fitschan_in: badval = fitschan_in["BLANK"] flags = Ast.USEBAD else: badval = 0 flags = 0 # Resample the data array using the above mapping. # total_map was pixmap; is this right? (npix, out, out_var) = total_map.resample(lbnd_in, ubnd_in,, None, Ast.LINEAR, None, flags, 0.05, 1000, badval, lbnd_out, ubnd_out, lbnd_out, ubnd_out) # Store the aligned data in the primary HDU, and update the NAXISi # keywords to hold the number of pixels along each edge of the # rotated image. = out fitschan_in["NAXIS1"] = ubnd_out[0] - lbnd_out[0] + 1 fitschan_in["NAXIS2"] = ubnd_out[1] - lbnd_out[1] + 1 # The WCS to store in the output is the same as the reference WCS # except for the extra shift of origin. So use the above shiftmap to # remap the pixel coordinate frame in the reference WCS FrameSet. We # can then use this FrameSet as the output FrameSet. wcsinfo_ref.remapframe(Ast.BASE, shiftmap) # Attempt to write the modified WCS information to the primary HDU (i.e. # convert the FrameSet to a set of FITS header cards stored in the # FITS file). Indicate that we want to use original flavour of FITS-WCS. fitschan_in.Encoding = encoding fitschan_in.clear('Card') if fitschan_in.write(wcsinfo_ref) == 0: raise Exception("Failed to convert the aligned WCS to Fits-WCS") # If successful, force the FitsChan to copy its contents into the # fits header, then write the changed data and header to the output # FITS file. else: fitschan_in.writefits() if outname is not None: hdu_in.writeto(outname, clobber=clobber) return hdu_in