Source code for FITS_tools.header_tools

from astropy import wcs
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy.wcs import WCSSUB_CELESTIAL
from astropy import log

from .load_header import get_cd
from .hcongrid import _ctype_to_csys

__all__ = ["enclosing_header", "header_to_platescale", "smoothing_kernel_size",

[docs]def header_to_platescale(header, **kwargs): """ Attempt to determine the spatial platescale from a `` Parameters ---------- header : `` The FITS header to extract the platescale from kwargs : dict Passed to `wcs_to_platescale`. See that function for more details Returns ------- platescale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The platescale in degrees with attached units if `use_units` is True """ w = wcs.WCS(header) return wcs_to_platescale(w, **kwargs)
[docs]def wcs_to_platescale(mywcs, assert_square=True, use_units=False): """ Attempt to determine the spatial plate scale from a `~astropy.wcs.WCS` Parameters ---------- mywcs : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` The WCS instance to examine assert_square : bool Fail if the pixels are non-square use_units : bool Return a `~astropy.units.Quantity` if True Returns ------- platescale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The platescale in degrees with attached units if `use_units` is True """ # Code adapted from APLpy mywcs = mywcs.sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) cdelt = np.matrix(mywcs.wcs.get_cdelt()) pc = np.matrix(mywcs.wcs.get_pc()) scale = np.array(cdelt * pc) if assert_square: try: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(abs(cdelt[0,0]), abs(cdelt[0,1])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(abs(pc[0,0]), abs(pc[1,1])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(abs(scale[0,0]), abs(scale[0,1])) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("Non-square pixels. Please resample data.") if use_units: return abs(scale[0,0]) * u.Unit(mywcs.wcs.cunit[0]) else: return abs(scale[0,0])
[docs]def smoothing_kernel_size(hdr_from, hdr_to): """ Determine the smoothing kernel size needed to convolve header_from to header_to without losing signal. Operates only in the spatial dimensions """ if not isinstance(hdr_from, wcs.WCS): w_from = wcs.WCS(hdr_from).sub(wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL) if not isinstance(hdr_to, wcs.WCS): w_to = wcs.WCS(hdr_to).sub(wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL) widths = [] for ii in (1,2): cd_from = get_cd(w_from,ii) cd_to = get_cd(w_to,ii) if np.abs(cd_to) < np.abs(cd_from): # upsampling: no convolution widths[ii-1] = 1e-8 else: # downsampling: smooth with fwhm = pixel size ratio widths[ii] = np.abs(cd_to/cd_from) / np.sqrt(8*np.log(2)) return widths
[docs]def enclosing_header(header1, header2, wrapangle=180*u.deg): """ Find the smallest header that encloses both header1 and header2 in the frame of header2 """ log.warning("'Enclosing Header' does not work exactly - there is at least " "a few-pixel offset in the result. Need a good test suite.") w1 = wcs.WCS(header1).sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) w2 = wcs.WCS(header2).sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) pedges1 = np.array([(1, header1['NAXIS2']), (header1['NAXIS1'], header1['NAXIS2']), (header1['NAXIS1'], 1), (1, 1),]) pedges2 = np.array([(1,header2['NAXIS2']), (header2['NAXIS1'], header2['NAXIS2']), (header2['NAXIS1'], 1), (1, 1),]) edges1 = w1.wcs_pix2world(pedges1, 1) edges2 = w2.wcs_pix2world(pedges2, 1) cedges2 = coordinates.SkyCoord(edges2*u.deg, frame=_ctype_to_csys(w1.wcs)) cedges1 = coordinates.SkyCoord(edges1*u.deg, frame=_ctype_to_csys(w2.wcs)).transform_to(cedges2.frame) #(a,b), = w2.wcs_pix2world([[1,1]],1) #lbref = coordinates.SkyCoord(a*u.deg, b*u.deg, # frame=_ctype_to_csys(w2.wcs)) wa = wrapangle if hasattr(cedges2, 'l'): llow = min(cedges1.l.wrap_at(wa).min(), cedges2.l.wrap_at(wa).min()) lhi = max(cedges1.l.wrap_at(wa).max(), cedges2.l.wrap_at(wa).max()) blow = min(cedges1.b.wrap_at(wa).min(), cedges2.b.wrap_at(wa).min()) bhi = max(cedges1.b.wrap_at(wa).max(), cedges2.b.wrap_at(wa).max()) #lref, bref = lbref.l, lbref.b elif hasattr(cedges2, 'ra'): llow = min(cedges1.ra.min(), cedges2.ra.min()) lhi = max(cedges1.ra.max(), cedges2.ra.max()) blow = min(cedges1.dec.min(), cedges2.dec.min()) bhi = max(cedges1.dec.max(), cedges2.dec.max()) #lref, bref = lbref.ra, lbref.dec else: raise ValueError("Invalid coordinates.") (xlow,ylow), = w2.wcs_world2pix([[llow.deg,blow.deg]], 1) (xhi ,yhi ), = w2.wcs_world2pix([[lhi.deg ,bhi.deg ]], 1) (xref, yref), = w2.wcs_world2pix([[(max(llow,lhi)).deg, (min(blow,bhi)).deg]], 0) header = header2.copy() header['NAXIS1'] = int(np.ceil(np.abs(xhi-xlow))) header['NAXIS2'] = int(np.ceil(np.abs(yhi-ylow))) header['CRPIX1'] = header2['CRPIX1'] - xref #min(xlow, xhi) header['CRPIX2'] = header2['CRPIX2'] - yref #min(ylow, yhi) return header